Another Scratcher

Kinda light on the birds this morning. Just not many out.

At one marina I go to, there is always a green heron. This year...there are 2. Which means there are green heron wars...with a lot of squawking. I was photographing one, when the other one swooped in, and ran it off. It landed about 4 feet away from my camera. Nice...except I had my long lens on. 5 feet minimum focus distance. I leaned back, and snapped a few...but not that great.

Those 2 shots, along with a few more of this giant egret are on my FLICKR PAGE. The egret was a great poser...posed against the only patch of blue sky that was present.

A trick question to end. What is the state bird of Florida? Answer: THE EARLY BIRD!! We're going out to dinner with our neighbor, and we're going at 4:30. Why? Because the early bird gets the early-bird specials. I hope I don't have to fight off any little old ladies.

I'm leaning toward fish and chips.

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