From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

'I'm just a soul whose intentions are good.....'

Ah mid week! How I prefer you to Monday!

It was the usual trip to McDonalds for my normal cuppa first thing. I was the only customer in there at 6:45am which I thought was rather alarming. Had the zombies taken over the world and I didn't yet know? With this uncomfortable thought, I stirred my tea, snapped on the lid and dawdled up the shadowy High Street full of the silent market sheds. I didn't see a soul until I reached the council house where Robert was unlocking my side door. At least that was one human I'd seen. It was nearly 8:30am before I saw anyone else.

Horror of horrors! One of those things that happens to people in lifts in comedy films happened to me today when I was on the way back from the catering section with my second breakfast. I got into an empty lift which had descended from the top floor delivering someone up there. Well, it was only when the door had shut behind me that I realised the previous occupant had clearly passed wind in there before getting out. Why do these things always happen to me? I spent the short journey to my floor praying that no one would be waiting to get in and think that I had left that horrendous odour. It was a bit like when I was doing jury service. I'm sure the pressure made me look more guilty than if I had been the one committing the crime!

I was out of luck. Four laughing people from the Planning department got in, and they knew me! I gabbled a hasty greeting and dived out, conscious of the fact that the laughter and chatter from the foursome died the second the door shut. How horribly embarrassing! I expect stories will be all round the council house before the week is out! No wonder I prefer to work from home where I do not get the blame for the foul doings of others! Dearie me....

The rest of the morning was trouble free thank goodness and I had a wander around at lunchtime with my camera. It was ridiculously busy out again, that seasonal dance - the Marks and Spencers shuffle - was going on with no one moving anywhere much and I gave up on trying to get a sandwich. I went back to the office after taking a couple of pictures, for a short afternoon and then I went via the hairdressers home.

There endeth Wednesday.

Track? Let's have The Animals today - Please Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood

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