jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Fire Rescue Boys

The boys found Piper in the Fire Rescue Station this morning, she was stuck trying to climb either in or out of the window (no-one is sure which!). There were presents inside - Bean says she was trying to get the presents OUT, but I thought the presents were from Piper?! They were suitably impressed though. New socks and pants again, superheroes all round this time! Bear was SO happy with his "BATBAT!!!" socks that this time is was HE who got dressed instantly with no protest. Bean however had seen the weather and was rather more reluctant. As was I. We didn't make it out to the Thursday morning playgroup (we STILL haven't made it there, despite being up here almost 3 months now) but instead muddled our way through the morning until it as time to go to Gran and Grandad's house. We took the new toys that the boys had chosen from the charity shop yesterday (am struggling to find a picture taken actually yesterday, will journal once that's resolved!) and headed off into the wind. Bean nee-nawed the entire way.

Playtime carried on and on at Gran and Grandad's house, and after lunch and after it was evident that Bear was not slowing down at all, I headed back to Sale to collect the coolbag and contents that I'd gone and left in the kitchen, sorted out a couple of jobs that were SO much easier without the boys hounding me, and headed back. There was a massive tailback on the motorway, if I'd tried to pop home any later I would have been stuck in it, literally meters away from my exit. The wind seemed to have been enjoying itself blowing lorries over :-/ Bear was happy to see me when I got back and decided he did want a nap after all! Lots of crochet done while Bean played with lego and the fire engine and Bear slept, dinner had, Steve arrived, and boys taken home early for a change as Grandad was exhausted!!!

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