jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Oh Christmas Tree...

This is the earliest we have EVER had our Christmas tree installed and decorated! The boys were quite thrilled to find Piper had been digging in the decorations box for tinsel, and equally delighted to find she'd left little bags for them with all the decorations they'd chosen over the past few weeks (along with some new ones!). I'm surprised at just how long they stayed interested in and focussed on decorating the tree, and they did a really quite marvellous job! It's a very happy tree now.

After lunch, and after Bear steadfastly refused to have a nap, we headed to Gran and Grandad's house where it was as if the car journey had wound both boys up like toy rabbits - they bounded out of the car, leapt into the house, and didn't stop uptil teatime where they barely sat still long enough to eat. The only thing that stopped them were a bowl of yummy profiteroles and chocolate sauce!! Utter silence :D

I took Bear home early because he had been crazy all afternoon having not slept. Had to turn the flashing Christmas tree lights off before carrying him indoors, I think Piper must have been having a bit of a disco while we were out! Bean and Steve came home later but hungry, so after some supper Bean also went off to bed.

And I got to play with sparkling tealights and lanterns and fairy lights and long exposures!

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