Searching for Bait

We hit the beach at about 10:30 a.m. A beautiful day...79F and sunny. We used to always go to the public beach, but now we go to the "old folks" beach. (When did that happen?)

People fishing, pelicans diving, dolphins in view. Nice.

I walked to the top of the drawbridge to watch the pelicans. Fun until the alarm sounded...signaling that the bridge was going up. The bridge tender came out of his "house", and told me that I had to go on the other side of the gate. I did.

We had a nice talk after the boat passed through. He knew 3 of the guys who perished on the Andrea Gail from the movie The Perfect Storm. Capt. Billy Tyne, Murph, and Buggsy. He told me that Hollywood really put the glamor into the movie...saying the captain he knew could have never pulled off the stunts that George Clooney did, and that Buggsy was a psycho. Since I really like the movie, I had to stop him after awhile. I didn't want him to completely ruin the movie for me.

Later...leaving Lisa at the pool, I went out for the golden hour...the hour before sunset. So pretty. I watched these 2 guys attempting to get some bait before heading out to fish.

After the giant red orb set, I loaded up my camera, and started for home. Wouldn't you know it...just then a rosette spoonbill decided to show up.

The spoonbill and several other pictures are on my FLICK PAGE. Have a look.

We are now watching the live Sound of Music with our Florida neighbor Faye. Well done so far. Carrie Underwood is cute, but I'm a Julie Andrews fan.

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