
By ZE1Christie

Snow Shower Coming Over Lerwick

Brrrrrr a seriously windy day with snow showers!

Not much of a day to be doing much and that's resulted in a quiet day at the museum with just a few visitors and some folk in for lunch.
The roads have been fairly clear although they are white in places but just hope driving home in the dark is ok :) A brief walk later with Sammy but think it's a night to be indoors :)

I went out on me lunchbreak for a walk over Staney Hill. Jeez it was cold on top of the hill with the wind and then it started snowing on me, brrr not be doing that for a while :) This is the image I got from the top of Staney Hill, looking over Lerwick and Bressay with a snow shower starting to come in and the blue skies disappearing.

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