All That Remains

What a great day we have had - I'm full of the joys of living!!

Its been such a long time when I've had a day or days when I actually feel as if I'm retired. Yes, with all the meetings/convention/recent travelling/etc/etc that has gone on all of this year and last year too, there really hasn't been much of "my time". But, things are changing thankfully.

We set of on our bikes this morning, went down to South Beach (where this was taken), biked through the wetlands (lack of water, its in a sorry state), along Salt Water Creek track to Conoor Rd then home via the road. This afternoon, more pottering in the garden which makes me a happy bunny. Doug mowed the road frontages and the place is looking good.

We're out for dinner tonight - and have just packed a box of fresh vegies from our garden to give as a gift - that also makes me happy.


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