
The 1st December and it's a glorious day- mild in the sun with the dew sparkling on the grass and very many leaves still clinging grimly to otherwise bare tree branches. It's all such a change from three years ago today when people were out in the Meadows having snowball fights.

We had a family visitation this afternoon from the Edinburgh/ Rannoch family who were returning from school where Seb had entered a chanter competition.
While he regaled me with a tune ( I did have to ask for a clue as to what the tune was, although HL came up trumps with a guess of Scots Wha' Hae), the two girls spent time improving their technique in standing on their heads, and Theo was timed running round the policies.
This left time for the adults to have some uninterrupted conversation in the sun and gave me a welcome break from soup making, scone making and Christmas card making...........oh and I forgot the Blipfoto posting.

Tempus Fugit..... must get on.......

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