A Haddington Rendezvous -Water under the Bridge

The day started off badly with a cold house and a boiler on strike. Having phoned the number of the company to whom we pay an exorbitant amount for maintenance, they informed us that we were not covered for an emergency and so we would just have to freeze until Monday. That's when my husband, he with the definite artistic tendencies, took matters into his own hands and pushed some buttons, and lo and behold the boiler responded to his authoritative touch and decided to jump back into action. Sometimes artistic cuts the mustard.

And so with good humour restored, the day got even better when we drove down to Haddington for a pre arranged lunch rendezvous at the Bistro with one half of a couple with whom I had been friendly 50 years ago when our husbands had worked together in the aero research department of Rolls Royce in Hamilton. (This was my 'then' husband when HL was still a shadow on a future running machine.)

Our families had lost touch in the 45 years since we had last met and with so much water having flowed under the proverbial bridge, I suppose Jim and I were both apprehensive that we would look so different, but in the event, apart from the white hair, the years fell away and we were both the same 20 something young marrieds.

Unfortunately Alisan couldn't make the lunch, but when they are back up in Scotland we will catch up.
She is after all godmother to daughter #2 and many a Saturday morning we spent as young mums having coffee in downtown Hamilton where it seemed de rigeur for most of the other young females to strut about with their hair curlers hidden under headscarves in anticipation of the dancing at night. We felt like 2 aliens in a foreign land.
I can't wait to see her and continue our reminiscing.
Thank you Jim for our meeting today, it was lovely to see you again.

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