
Last night at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane to see the production of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Sam Mendes was a fantastic success due to the amazing special effects, the dazzling lighting and colour used and despite the hundreds of ten year olds who made up 90% of the audience.

At the end, we managed to find a taxi, have a complimentary drink in the Euston lounge, before falling into our bunks even before the overnight Sleeper left platform 1.
There was a rude awakening at 6am with the arrival of this continental breakfast tray.

However much we enjoyed our day in London, it was such a relief to return to the relative calm and peace of Edinburgh. We may complain about the disruption and traffic upset caused by the ongoing tram work, but it is nothing compared to the gridlock of the London roads especially round the centre. We may complain about the crowds in Princes Street and the Royal Mile, but they are nothing compared to the tide of humanity surging through the London tourist areas.

Yes it is lovely to be home again to the old familiar.

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