Lighting the way
Down at mam and dad's tonight, dropping the kids off so we can head down to London tomorrow for the gig.
This morning was a frantic series of phone calls and discussions about the house in France as we've had a sudden flurry of viewings. Nothing's really come of out it, but we'll see. With that and frantic camera equipment packing and repacking (two batteries and four memory cards will be enough, yeah?) I forgot to take any pictures until the kids were in bed.
So here's the front of my parent's house. The gatepost wasn't so obvious to the naked eye, but I've left it in so you can see the kids' bedroom where they are being read poems by mam. Through the downstairs window you may be able to see the fire (on). You'll have to take my word for the fact that the Aga is raging away and the central heating is on as well. Global warming doesn't mean a lot to my folks I think (unless they think it means their own house should be 10 degrees warmer than anyone else's).
The front door isn't used, so I've helpfully lit the way to the back door for you.
Probably not taking the computer tomorrow, so expect the gig post mortem on Sunday.
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