Rock Chick
I knew photographing the gig would be tricky - but there were challenges I hadn't even considered, such as how to juggle a plastic glass of beer and all that camera equipment... (Easy - you just don't drink. Probably the first time I've not drunk anything at a gig since 1984. I don't know whether to be proud or ashamed!) The other thing is that it's not easy to dance with camera equipment strewn around you. Certainly dancing and looking cool was out of the window - but then that's never been my forte. My main bag was just dumped in a corner, but the rented lens did not leave my person all night.
The gig was fantastic. The first band, Creak, did mainly rock stuff and were a lot of fun. They brought along a troup of young fans (their kids) who were really rocking out in front of the stage.
To break things up there was a pianist (Richard I think) who was fantastic - playing the kind of mellow jazz you wish could be the soundtrack to life.
And then <drum roll> the Allie Catz, the main event! They do a great mix of danceable rock, funk, blues, country and pop. Although they only get to practise together a handful of times each year, they are so professional. Here's the eponymous lead singer, with just a peek of Mr B in the background. The lighting was not ideal (being chiefly at the back of the stage, so lighting up the curtains beautifully, but leaving the front line in darkness most of the time) so this is the best shot I have straight out of the camera. All my shots of MrB are beautifully lit - as he has his own little light clipped to his keyboard so he can see his music.
The music is there (I learned today - showing that even after knowing him for OMG 21 years there are still things to learn) because of a stressful Grade 3 piano exam where he lost his way in the piece he was playing half way through. So now he has the music in front of him just in case. Despite careful set timing, they finished early so had time for an encore. So, a song dropped from the set at the last rehearsal was dragged back (Scissor Sisters "Take your mamma") which Mr B managed to get through with no sheet music - proving it's just a crutch.
Anyway, they were all stars. The gig was for a charity called Different Strokes, which provides support for young survivors of strokes. I hope they raised lots of cash - it's a very worthwhile cause.
Now, lots of photo editing to do, and still 4 days to play with the big lens before I have to send it back.
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