...and on today's run I saw a.....


It was a friendly cat too. He waited for me to get close for a stroke. I miss my cats.

Chose a nice route today. I think it will be my usual except its a bit muddy in places. Only 2.34 miles but I shall try and improve on my time. I'm not telling you what that was but I'm told you need to do at least 20 minutes of exercise before your body shape changes so I'm well within that time bracket!!! If and when I manage it in 20 minutes, I will go round again!!!

Thank you all for you input on the 'fossil' situation I had yesterday. We had a 24 hour silence, a few heated words, an 'I'm standing my ground on this one' from him and a realisation I wasn't going to win (this week) from me. I wasn't the fossil. I get SO frustrated sometimes with the 'old man attitude' but I just melt when he wraps his arms around me and kisses me softly and I just can't be without him.

Must go, my hot bath is waiting to soothe these aching legs! 3rd run this week. I hope I can keep it up.


ps apologies for the poor image which I have only just noticed on my laptop - its was a bit dark and I find the iphone 'crap' at taking pictures - hence Im upgrading to a Samsung 4s next month. Anybody got one? Is there a better phone camera wise?

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