Old Fossil

There are a couple of old Fossils in this house I have to admit. But I quite like this one.

So, following a rather sleepless night pondering - I thought I'd give my lovely Blipfriends a scenario and ask what they would do - just to see who actually IS the Fossil in this house!!

You are out all day and evening.
Your 22 year old daughter has the whole day off.
She is single and she lives with you.
She isn't just staying - she actually LIVES with you - pays rent and everything.
She has an interest in a new fella. Bit younger than her, but she's just 'testing the waters'.
She asks if she can bring the 'new fella' over (while you are out) for a quiet night in infront of the telly and a take away as its not quite payday and they are both a bit strapped.

What was your answer? And please be honest!

Wonder what sort of day its going to be!


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