Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Fuchsia flower essence is one of the deep acting essences discovered by Shimara Kumara which releases pain that has been locked in the heart chakra. Fuchsia opens the floodgates to release old emotions which block our ability to achieve deep spiritual connection.

I'd been aware for a while that something yakky has been in my heart area and I needed to do some work to release it. It's made it difficult to centre myself in meditation and it was calling to be seen. I couldn't quite work out what it was, but my sense was that it was a very ancient wound. Fuchsia is the perfect essence to bring release to such feelings.

At the weekend in London I had the privilege of attending one of John Payne's workshops. He works in a transformative way to bring peace and healing to the individual and also the soul of the family. His work comes from a belief that each family has a soul which seeks to be healed and integrated. Often we can carry old wounds that originate in our ancestors and he goes back through the generations to bring healing where it is needed. There is a visible shift when the healing is done - a soul deep release and exhalation from the body. His work focuses you on feeling your truth in your body and it is very profound.

He asks the question 'would you rather be at peace or would you rather be right?' - during the weekend it became clear to me what I needed to work on to bring me peace and release the yakky heart stuff. Deep ancestral healing has been done and I leave it there, I don't need to analyse it mentally. I just need to enjoy the release and relief in my body, and enjoy greater love and brightness with the next generation - my lovely boy who will be 9 this week. I'm truly grateful to have had the opportunity to do this work and I recommend his workshops and books to anyone who seeks peace and healing.

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