
Today I have started to make a platter from a piece of spalted beech I got from a tree surgeon.

My first challenge was cutting it in half as it was just too thick.

After that I was able to run a piece through the bandsaw and get it roughly circular.

The bottom was rough shaped and I glued some scrap wood to the base so that I could use more depth for the bowl when I turned it round to hollow it.

Unfortunately, a lot of the spalting is quite soft and spongy so the finish isn't going to be as smooth as I would have liked - despite having used loads of sanding sealer to harden it up a bit (and some glue in the split).

We will see how it goes when it goes back on to the lathe.

When SWMBO pointed out the moon appearing and disappearing behind the clouds I ran upstairs and grabbed the 500mm lens....... then found the camera was upstairs - so it was up again. Then there was no card in the camera.
All this time the gaps in the clouds were getting fewer and fewer so I certainly wasn't going back up to find the tripod.

So you get a rubbish hand held shot

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