Falling Apart

Much like me after taking this - I tripped stepping over the chain fence and removed a load of skin from my ankle.
What a pillock.
The chain had been there for over 20 years and gets stepped over every time Igo into the front garden.
I must be getting old.

A new diner suit had to be purchased for the forthcoming holiday as I have lost about 2 stone since I last wore it. Not a bad thing.

Squirrel had a toilet break on the way to the shops (it must have been all of 2 minutes since she left her house!) and delivered a parcel to me. It could have waited but maybe better it hadn't - the air was turning blue as I tried to set it up (a storage system for my pictures which connects by WiFi (or doesn't).

A great evening out for diner with friends to celebrate SWMBO's birthday tomorrow.

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