Happy Birthday

The 500mm lens was still on the camera this morning so when I went out to get the paper I just left it on.

I didn't get anything spectacular but what I did get was the last dead leaf on the branch and a surprise at the colours you get when the light gets into a mirror lens.
The light through the oak leaves is quite nice - apart from the noise in the picture (no tripod meant having to raise the ISO to be able to handhold) but the more I look at it the more I like it.

And of course the single beech leaf.

The platter I made yesterday has been soaking up everything I have put on it so far .... 2 coatings of sanding sealer and a thick coat of varnish. It is ridiculous situation and is going to cost a fortune to get a decent finish on it.

I took SWMBO out to a very nice place in Colinton for lunch today - it being her birthday.

No more food today ................ stuffed I think is the expression.

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