when I stepped outside this morning. Went to the supermarket and walked along the pond to give the swan family my greetings and some food, the egyptian geese, the pigeons, the gulls, the coots, they wanted their share too.
Then quickly homewards, we awaited Cor, our friend, coming from Amsterdam.
We drank coffee, talked a bit and then off we went, Cor and I, we had business to do. Since the theft of my bike it was obvious, even when the insurance has paid already the costs, that we should take some measures for security. And in Mischa's appartment there were little adjustments to make in order to stop the draught.
So we drove to Hornbach, one of the big DIY stores, on our way there I saw two storks in a field walking, but no way that we could stop for taking a picture due to the rain. We entered the labyrinth of the store and eventually found what we needed.
So back home and lunch and then the measuring and coping with the vicissitudes that one encounters when doing a little job that takes a lot of time.
At Mischa's place we did the same and it was dark when we had succeeded most of our task.
Piet Hein in the meantime had done the purchases for our meal and then he made a kind of mexican pizza, delicious and very colourful (which he is very good at).
Mischa had earlier made a chocolade fudge and gave us a big piece as desert.

I want to thank you all who admired the deer in my yesterday's blipjournal, I really liked this wandering soul with his deep expression in his eyes.

My haiku:

Let me be inspired
By the Rosenkavalier
Opera about aging

And the proverb:

H/zij zit op zwart zaad.

Translation: H/she is on the rocks. Literally: Sitting on black seed.
Meaning: Become poor, eating instead of white bread, black rye bread.

Tired as I am now, I promise to catch up tomorrow and look at your beautiful and interesting pictures, reading your words.

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