Baby Blue Eyes

We've just arrived home after a horrible four and a half hour journey, and are very glad to be back! It rained all the way and the visibility was awful, but Alan drove very well.

Before we left, I called round to see Scarlett and spent an hour playing with her before she went for her morning nap. Scott's mum was there too, and it was really funny as Scarlett kept looking from one to the other of us - I think she was a little puzzled as to why her Nannie and Nana were both there together, as she usually only sees us on our own. Scott's mum will be looking after her two days a week from next week when Rachel goes back to work, and I'm going back in two weeks time to look after her for a week. She doesn't start nursery until the beginning of January, and I can't wait to have her to myself for a few days :-)

In other news, I ordered one of the Blip calendars and it's arrived. It's excellent quality and I'm really pleased with it, so I thought I'd let you know in case you were thinking of having one done.

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