I often wonder...

why I bother.

At our Community AGM this year we voted to have the old pool surround dug up and replaced with an imprinted concrete design, also a new path would be created to assist one of our owner's sons, who is a wheelchair user.

We noticed this year that he and his wife struggled to push his wheelchair across the grass so that he could get to the pool. Anskar had a motor bike accident and lost his left leg at hip level and also the use of his left arm. He is doing really well on his prosthetic leg, but obviously needs his chair for certain things.

We had a lengthy debate at the AGM about the proposal and one of our owners couldn't see the point of having the path installed as in his words 'Anskar won't always be in his chair', you could imagine our response.

Anyway, the work was voted through, and this last week the guys have been on the Community at 7.30am everyday, as the cement lorry turned up at 8am, and they worked through until 5ish, without a stop for lunch.

They did their best not to make too much of a mess, and they cleared up after themselves. I was the only one that took them drinks, which just about sums up attitude of some of our owners.

When I arrived back from Benidorm on Friday I was met by irate owners (English and German) stating that they thought the work was shocking, not professional etc, etc. Comments ranged from, lines aren't straight, the levels are all wrong...

I tried to explain that the lines weren't straight because they were working with a material that was fluid, and with the best will in the world, when you place a rubber mat on a fluid surface then jump on it to make the pattern, the surface will move, hence no straight lines, and the levels are not level because we needed to have a 'fall ' to enable rain water to run off rather than gather in pools, as the lacquer they put on as a finish is totally waterproof.

They also complained about the state of the Community paths, covered in cement dust and the coloured powder that had been used. So yesterday, I got the hose pipe out and cleaned all the paths - did anyone come out and help me - NOT one person, did anyone thank me - NO, hence my opening comment.

I hope Anskar appreciates the path.

One of the main protagonists is the husband of a 'certain' owner!!! So I have given him the job of doing a 'snagging' list, and when the President arrives back in Spain, he can then sort out the problem. My tenure for being VP is 90 euros a year, for that amount I don't need all this hassle.

Have done a bit of back blipping.

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