Choices, choices...

Today was 'weigh in day', so I weighed myself on my scales at home - 64.9. Went to the gym and stood on their scales, just to confirm my weight and it was - 62.9. So I queried whether their scales were correct, Adam went and got a 5k weight, put it on the scales and it read 5k. I came home put a kilo bag of sugar on my scales and it weighed a kilo, so I split then difference. I know I am NOT 62.9, I would like to be, maybe in a couple of weeks.

I did my own 2 minutes silence this morning, I was in the changing rooms when Big Ben sounded at midday (our time) 11am UK. so I bowed my head, said a silent prayer and remembered all those who had not only died in the wars but also our Mum and Dad, who I miss terribly.

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