Oh. Time to go home?

Variable weather today.
Sun, rain, sun, rain and finished on an overcast note.

The Boss has been head down so no sticks were chewed in the making of this image ‘Cos he said he didn’t have time and a quick round the vineyard was the thing.
When we looked up and saw this, the walking got a little quicker.

Oh I had a really bad night as The Fireworks Brigade got started at 10 past 1 in the morning, no doubt celebrating the hangover they were going to have the next morning and spreading the joy throughout the land. I ended up sleeping (sorta) with The Bossess, just below the bed where she could reach down and touch me with soothing sounds. The Boss however was considering a chainsaw massacre but The local hardware store was not open and he doesn’t own a chainsaw….Probably just as well Eh?

Cool in big

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