Lupin Time

You kno that Christmas is coming when these plants appear.

At the height of the season these are showing colours and we have a grrreat range around Wanaka and even better a short distance out of town and The Boss says that we may have more shots in time.

The Boss’s Seniors had their first iPad theft last week when a member left her iPad in plain view on a passenger seat in an unlocked car. She had not got around to setting a lock code and turning on “Find My Ipad” so someone out there scored on this.
So a warning to all.

Set up “find my iPad” on your device and a computer so you can test it.
Fix a lock code on your device and USE it. Always!!!

If you haven’t got the device locked the thief can easily turn off location services and render recovery useless.

If you did have it locked it cannot be recovered without your Apple ID. (IOS7)

You can also use “Find my ipad” to remotely wipe it

These remarks apply to your phone too. So don’t make it easy for the crooks. LOCK your device.


Bigger Lupins

The Boss is in the middle of a major project and is in the distracted mode. Comments will be thin on the ground for a bit.

Barks all round

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