Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

The Bossess is Back

Oh YES indeed and they got out of bed a 4.45 am in Auckland to catch the first flight to Queenstown so they could get to THC by 10.00 am and pick me up.
Such dedication sorta makes my heart glow.....Then again maybe that's heartburn from missed breakfast 'Cos they don't do breakfast at THC...Hmmmmm?
I was however pleased to see them both and The Bossess celebrated by deciding to take me "around the block" rather than have a LLD (little lie down) in a warm chair in the lounge. I am totally proud of her. Oh and The Boss came too but you knew that didn't you. Someone had to take the picture you know.
The little path is just around the corner from where we live and as it was a bit windy and The Bossess was a bit tired from a very busy week and The Boss was not going to argue as he needed to mow the lawn later this all seemed a great idea. Oh yes raine...it's the phone thingie AGAIN and NO you can't have the OM-D but thank you for the offer.
Breaking News... The main Modem Router box thingie in The Boss's studio has "lost it's marbles" so comments will be off a bit as we only have the iphone as a dongle till The Boss throws it out the window (not the iPhone the other thing) and replaces it with a new one so comments will be a bit limited but fear not I shall return and catch up in a couple of days. Meanwhile WOOF! to all my fans.
Catch up and pat me?

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