South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

I love....

....this unusual pansy! At least I think it's quite unusual with the light stripy petals above the dark maroon. The begonias have been removed and replaced with pansies and stocks in the planters outside church - not as showy, but they will provide some colour during the winter months. Have typed and copied the news sheet and also the words for "The Twelve Days of Christmas" for someone to use in their talk at the Women's Fellowship Christmas tea. I thought it was best to get it done early as it gets busier and busier when we're into December. I have a Christian version of the words to this which I can let people have if they want it - I can't remember where I got it from now, but it's rather good. I've led it on guitar a few times over the years at Christmas.

It's a grey and soggy day here today - just a glimmer of sun for a few minutes today! There was some thunder this morning too. Tomorrow is supposed to be a beautiful, crisp sunny day - which will be excellent for all the outdoor Remembrance services that will be on. We have our morning service half-an-hour early (at 10) to allow people to get to the War Memorial for 11 am.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend :-)

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