The wedding

Well made it to Edinburger late last night. Up bright & early to spruce up for our friend's wedding, both of us a little nervous at being his witnesses. Got to the registry office and as we were in charge of the rings, I decided the best way not to lose the groom's ring was to put it on my index finger! How was I to know it would be so reluctant to get off when the registrar asked for it!!

Boy did the Bridgit Jones knickers do the trick! They held everything up & in. Ok so breathing was a little difficult & I may have cracked a rib but who cares at least I didnt look like Jonah's pet whale! Mind you it was just as well we weren't dancing or I might have ended up in A&E with the strain! Going to the loo also proved tricky, I had to think about how to go about things! Houwking ones dress up was one thing but trying to find where the top of the bloody knickers was left me breathless and for all the wrong reasons!
Anyhow managed not to damage the swanky loos or myself.
The meal was in some posh place called the Dome! Thought I was on some Holywood set with all the bling!
Back home in Glasgow now and chilling have finally managed to peel offthe last remnants of body hugging glued on clothes and now back to my old favourites of breeks and jumper & breathing normally

By the way as it was such a small & informal wedding party we all went to the castle to grab a few shots and the bloody jobs worth security wouldnt let us through. Said "no wedding photos allowed unless they had officialy married in the castle" All we wanted was a couple of pics in front of the bloody castle and only of the bride & groom. When refused , the stupid bugger guard was left with the words "come the Revoloution" Thats 16 more votes for Independence" and "prick" ringing in his lugs!

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