
gosh last night was wild! Gale force winds combined with torrential rain. Needless to say some poor souls woke up this morning to find themselves hemmed in. At Cairnbaan gardens were under four foot of water making it impossible to leave the houses! There was a massive flood across the Oban/Lochgilphead road all day leaving schools without kids or teachers and shops without workers.
My fellow Hobbit bliiper & I decided to walk along the canal to grab a shot or two! Somehow we managed to pass the flooded bit & had to backtrack but it was a beautiful afternoon so what the heck.
Finally we found the flood and scrambled along the road to grab some shots hopefully of some poor soul getting stuck. . Shots done we visited a fellow blipper who made a most welcome cup of tea & had a good blether. A good day in all
Sam the dog is back to normal and was running about like a mad thing on the shore, good to see

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