A very foggy morning this morning, but it burnt off by 9ish and gave way to a wonderfully warm sunny, drying the washing outside, kind of a day. This is the convent opposite TallGirl's school, with the boring building behind the tree being her school. I had intended to get out and about for more shots in the glorious weather today, but the day got away from me.
Today saw the picking up of my teaching at the school too, with the lunchtime club for the 8-11 year olds (I have foolishly offered that we can do Shakespeare - the sun must have got to me) and my first session with the brand new CP class. I was warned by their teacher that they are quite a handful, but I have to say they were great with me, once I distracted them from what they thought was a slug on the skylight (leaf) and mouse outside (leaf). They rattled through the work I'd prepared so quickly that I was grateful that one of them was pondering the length of their names so I could add in a quick 'count in English the number of letters in your name' exercise. Which they loved. Though one boy was very distressed to find that his name does not have the number (eight) that he likes in it, so some time was spent trying to find a name with eight letters in that he likes).
Thank you all for your lovely comments on my blipday yesterday. With my rather quiet blip-community performance of late, it is comforting to know that there are still folk hanging around in the background.
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