Thanks to some ill-advised backblipping from last year, I find myself at the big 2000 blips today, completely ill-prepared. Despite the unpromising weather (it has rained non-stop since Sunday night) I drove all over looking for something fabulous to bring you, but it is perhaps appropriate for the way my journal has been lately, that I present you with something as mundane as a watertower (and, I just noticed, mobile phone mast) against an undecided sky. (And those black dots are birds - honest.)
Anyway, every day I value more and more the bank of memories I have stored here. The inconsequential details that build up a life: mostly forgotten in the rush to get through the day, but noted here and drawn on in quiet moments to remind me how far we - my little family - have come over the years.
I have not been very present on blip lately, though I look at many journals every day, it is in gaps in my life (supermarket queues, waiting for the kids to finish basketball/school/whatever) and I rarely have the time to comment on the inspiring, the mundane, the everyday, the always wonderful glimpses of life we are treated to here on blip.
Today's mundane details to note for me are that the tutor who helped TallGirl with grammar when we were first here has started helping CarbBoy - who I thought was struggling. Turns out I am no judge of what an eight year old should be able to do in French, and he is doing brilliantly. We went to the library and I almost melted with joy at how excited my kids were about the trip (and that CarbBoy has already finished one of his books - reading it in preference to watching the telly or playing on his iPod). I'm doing a NaNoWriMo novel and TallGirl read the first 5000 words for me and pronounced it 'like as though a real writer wrote it' which (given it is intended for her age group) is very satisfying.
All in all, I feel today like I have a lot to be thankful for.
And blip is one of those things.
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