
By Mikey88


(Check blip for 27th October for first day of the holiday)

After the recent winds, the fuchsia is about the only flower left in the garden. The chrysanthemums which I blipped last week have been stripped of their petals, but the fuchsia still seems to be going strong. As you can probably tell by the way the colours are glowing, it was a pretty dull day today, and it had actually started to rain when I went out to take the shot.

I had intended to tackle another section of the buddleia this afternoon, but the weather scuppered my chances of that. I ended up washing my larger bird feeder. It was still about a quarter full and I couldn't understand why the birds hadn't emptied it while we were away - until I got up close.

The warm and wet weather had caused some of the seeds to germinate, and they had blocked the feeding openings, and the seeds stuck inside had gone mouldy, congealing into a stodgy mess which had to be scraped out - not a pleasant job. I'll put less seed in when I fill it tomorrow. Hopefully this won't happen again as the weather gets colder and the birds hungrier.

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