Amulree Tearoom

What a glorious autumn day today and perfect for a drive and a couple of short walks. I could choose between at least a dozen photos to blip, but selected this one for another blipper, who will remember it well:-)

We started off with a second visit to Buchanty Spout where we saw the salmon leaping a few days ago. More water in the river, but most of the salmon had gone! In 20 minutes we saw three and it was too cold to hang around any longer.

We carried on up through the Sma' Glen to Amulree, where we stopped for refreshments at this tearoom. The food and drinks were delicious and the welcome very friendly, so it's no wonder it's a popular stopping place.

There were glorious photo opportunities at every turn, with the trees and hills looking their autumn best and just before heading for Dunkeld and home, we stopped off at The Rumbling Bridge near Inver. Even more photos taken here, with the fierce falls giving off a mist that soaked us and the camera! We watched, enthralled, as a canoeist shot the rapids above the falls, but I was too slow to catch him:-)

Even on the last leg home, there were amazing clouds in the sky. One was shaped just like an anvil reaching the ground, with pink and orange tinges round the edges. Just beautiful:-)

Sincerely hope your day was as good as mine:-)

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