Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan

We have had a really nice day today. Amelie has been funny, helpful and kind and we have managed to get a lot done. Isaac has been a bit grumpy but I think it's teeth. He can be excused! This evening we made cheese straws after Amelie had made them at nursery last week. I was making pastry anyway for tomorrow's Quiche so she told me what ingredients to put in then she did all the rest! They are really tasty!

Today Amelie made us laugh by telling us how she made Isaac laugh, "tickling him with a nice cream spanner" (scoop!). Then she she asked Cheis to speak to her via the "thermometer" (baby monitor!) and was worried about the "googalers" (burglars). At one point Isaac had managed to unclog the tray of his bumbo and she ran over shouting; "Isaac! That is NOT acceptable!" To top it all off I dropped 1kg of Greek yoghurt all over the floor and she came and stood with her hands on her hips..."Well Mummy, I think you are going to need me to help you clear this mess up" and then she spent the next give minutes directing which bits she would do and which were my bits. Needless to say I had done loads by the time she stopped bossing me about!

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