Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

AGM time

Its my community AGM next month, and as I am President of my community it is my job to set the agenda and chair the meeting. I'm hoping that this years meeting will be a somewhat quiter affair than last year, when one of the house owners walked up to me and started poking me in the chest telling me that everything was my fault. How could that be, when I had turned a 2000 euro deficit into a 2500 euro surplus, anyway he will not be at the meeting this year, neither will two of the other trouble makers (all German), and yes there are some very nice Germans, but the ones we have here seem to be the grumpy lot, who need to get a life.

The agenda seems fairly innocuous, but I can guarantee that the meeting will not finish before 1.30pm and it starts at 10.30am.

3 more blips and I reach my hundred, got to get my thinking cap on for a special blip.

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