Barbara Hitchings

By Spannygranny

And tonight Matthew i'm !!!

Peeling and stewing apples. A friend at the golf club gave me 10kg of apples, they are too sour to eat but are not proper cooking apples, having said that they make a very nice apple pie as James and Corin will vouch for. So I've stood and peeled, cored and chopped them all, and they are now on the cooker slowly stewing down, then into boxes, cooled down and in the freezer. Apple pie and custard, lovely.

Its been very hot today, I've been working in my garden, dug up the two rosemary bushes as they had gone very woody, and I hacked at the lavender as that had gone a bit wild and woody. Off to the garden centre tomorrow to buy some new herbs and keep them in pots.

Off to have a bottle of Magners cider, the one that Colin gave to Sarah but she never drank but left in my fridge.

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