
By cowgirl

Haunted house?

Maybe, but the humans are getting their own back now.

After enjoying the extra hour in bed this morning, or at last, not feeling so guilty about wasting the day as technically we got up at 10am but the clock only said 9, we went out for a walk before the storm arrives.

This house is on my Fossey walk route and has been empty for as long as I've been here and a few years before ( so more than 5 yrs then ). Someone has bought the property now and has converted nearby stables into a dwelling for himself and his family. Looks quite nice from what bit I've seen when returning his dog that keeps following us. She seems to have learnt her territory now and stopped wandering off, which is good news. It was wearing me out running backwards with her and then forwards again to put some distance between us so's she wouldn't follow us again!

Anyway, this was the main farmhouse back in the day, and the new owner had visions of doing it up to hire it out for weddings and the like, but the locals objected and he didn't get permission, so not sure what he'll do with it now.

Can't blame the people who live along the little country lane that gives access to the property, I wouldn't want convoys of traffic winding it's way along if I lived there either. In some places it would be interesting to see how two cars heading in opposite directions would pass.

The renovations are slowly continuing tho, lots of hammering, drilling and so on going on during the day. I doubt any spirits in there have had a good days sleep in the last 12 months!

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