
By cowgirl

On top of the world!

The forecasted storm turned out to not be so bad for us here but the rest of the country suffered various levels of destruction and disruption, with the loss of 4 lives.

I was awake from 3a.m. due to feline resistance to being kept in for their own safety. They eventually got so restless that even Sav woke up at 5 a.m! We got up, gave the ungrateful buggers some breakfast, had a cup of tea and then let the moggies out once they'd eaten. Got another hours kip before getting up to walk Fossey.

As you can see the day had brightened up by then!

Had to have 40 winks before the afternoon walk, which we just managed to squeeze in between heavy showers that returned this evening.

It'll be an early to bed night for me and I know two cats that will definitely be spending the night outside! ( They have a shed to shelter in if needs be, I'm not heartless! ).

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