Hear Ye! Hear Ye! All Rise!

Court is now in session with His Honor Judge BlipBear presiding, aided by his competent and extremely cute Law Clerk, Kiwi.

Well, what a day our dear little friends had. BlipBear was invited to take the bench in Superior Court and he did so with amazing aplomb and dignity, almost as if he were born to the position. I mean, just look at how he wields that gavel! And if he doesn’t look good in black robes, I don’t know who does. I hate to say it but it’s entirely possible that our Judge (the real one) may have mistaken him for a visiting Judge from another jurisdiction.

Sadly, there was no case to try, but BlipBear and Kiwi impressed everyone with their quick grasp of the law and probably would have rendered a fair verdict had there been some evidence to consider. Their quick assessment of the law was quite stunning. I’m sure they’ll be invited back to preside over one of the more unusual cases that come along occasionally, perhaps something involving the pilfering of chocolate or a squirrel squabble. For today, however, court was adjourned and our judicious pair retired with a cup of tea.

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