
..for hungry Australian magpies.

My first day as a fully fledged vollie at Kanyana and what an amazing day.
Sweet and sour.
First the sweet.
Arrived enthusiastically early and began by making meatballs for the mob of magpies in hospital and on the way to rehab and finally release.
No ordinary meatballs but mixed with multivits, biscuit, chic starter and egg and depending on the size of the recipients the size of the meatball varies.

B, the shift supervisor arrived and I was taken under her wing, along with a miniscule, finch fledgling she is tube feeding hourly and the dudes in the rehab area. They are out of IC and learning to use and develop wing muscles, feed for themselves and be ready for the big wide world.
Spent time too in the kitchen preparing Widgie the Emu's nosh and learning to weigh and prepare meals for bilbies, quendas and possums.
This was the sweet.

The sour was the arrival of three baby magpies IN THEIR NEST . A complete tosser had removed babes and nest from its tree and taken them to a local vet. She did not leave her name, number or address but said she didn't want the birds on her property as the parents might swoop her child.
This makes me F******* mad.
Magpies are family and territorial and their parents teach them to forage and feed and this is their home ground.
These babies when ready to fly should be returned to their home turf, in fact they should not have been removed from their home is illegal.
I wonder how the tosser would feel if her infants were whisked away from the nest because they were considered a nuisance.

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