lunch in chinatown..

..though we did not have crocodile.

No power in our street (again!) so I met up with foodie mate S for a visit to The Red Teapot in Northbridge.
We shared 'just right' portions of Prosperous fragrant chicken (crisp skinned, sweet, vinegary and topped with thin slice green chili), thimble sized crab spring rolls and crispy squid tentacles (not for you A!!). VERY yumm and washed down with tea served from a red,cast iron teapot.

After that, a much needed stroll through Chinatown and lots of peeks into butchers, fishmongers and the window of The Good Fortune Roast Duck House.
S lives just down the road and does all her shopping here, describing her favourite butcher as 'snout to tail' as not a snout, ear, trotter, hoof or tail is wasted. Also packets of unusual inside bits that may be the subject for a future blip.

However I could not resist the croc bones signage, and there they were in the freezer.
Big bones in big bags.

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