Red Squirrel


Close To Fairyland

Last year I blipped the most beautiful display of little 'shrooms on a tree stump, under the title Fairyland? (possibly my favourite of all my 'shroom pics). Today I took a walk back to where the stump is - as yet only a few are showing on there, but this fallen trunk very close to the stump is now becoming smothered. So I've blipped it. The weather today has been lousy again so I took my compact to work, along with the Fuji in the hope the weather would be dry by lunchtime. No such luck - so it was back to using the compact again .... ho hum ....
Major trauma! I had a few bits to bring from the office tonight, to take to tomorrow afternoon's school - in the process I left the Fuji where I'd put it tucked under my desk! I'm not back in the office now until Friday - it should be OK there, but to be on the safe side I'll ring one of my colleagues tomorrow and ask him to lock it away in the workshop. Duh!
On a happier note, the co-codamol did the trick last night and I was able to get a good sleep - and today the penicillin must have kicked in quickly, as the troublesome tooth is now just a bit tender again - the heat and throbbing have gone, thank goodness. Phew ....

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