Red Squirrel



I suspected there'd be little blip time today - late yesterday afternoon one of my back top teeth felt really tender. Gently feeling with my tongue revealed a small piece of filling missing. Within a couple of hours I guessed I have an abscess - it was agony, hot, throbbing and unable to stand the slightest pressure on it. Ibuprofen didn't make the slightest difference (a horrible night with so little sleep possible). So I knew I had to ring for an emergency appointment as soon as my dentist opened, once I was at work. Luckily a colleague had some co-codamol which he kindly let me have, and the dentist managed to give me a 3 pm appointment. Now a 7 day course of penicillin antibiotics ensues, after which I can have the tooth refilled once the offending abscess is gone.
Luckily as I went out to feed Tom I spotted this Harvestman spider on the outside wall by the door. My compact was near to hand so I grabbed a few shots before feeding Tom - I'd no idea if they'd be any good so was quite happy with this one once I uploaded them tonight.

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