
By Tryfan46

Another cardigan by Susan

Completed the evening before we go up to Edinburgh, this cardigan might have been the end of Susan, but she persevered and came through in the end to finish this lovely garment.

Behind the cardigan is a framed name picture for her great niece Ella. We're not sure whether Ella will be the recipient of the cardigan or whether it will be her other great niece Alba who will claim ownership. Whichever way either will be lucky girls.

Susan is creating a name picture for all the next generation. She's working on Alba and Miya at the moment, interesting how all three have 4 letter first names.

Me, on the other hand has come to an end of what seems to be days and days of chopping, peeling, boiling, sweating, blitzing, salting, skinning and sundry other culinary processes having bottled 8 jars of sweet pickled onions, 4 jars of crab apple and vanilla jelly, cooked tomato and cauldrons of borstch and also cauliflower soup.

In between all this frenzied activity in the kitchen I've swum 4 times this week which has had a marked impact on my right knee. Hope to have a go in the Edinburgh Commonwealth pool next week. At 50m lenghts it will seem a long way to the other end.

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