
By tookie

Cowboy in flight!

Cowboy is soooooo happy to be out and about...even if "mom" waited back in the car as Big R took him and Sadie around for a "spin". I had my big boot on not too conductive for walking on trails. But at least it was an outing and then Big R gave Sadie a bath at the do it yourself place. Nice ramps lead up to big tubs where soap and water come out hoses hanging up ---nice warm water comes out and you can lather them up nice:)

Cowboy and I didn't need baths so we stayed together in the car waiting for the other two. Big R got his first iphone today and is now a happy camper as his regular cell phone got dropped and broke. D i L told us about a free one from apple and so with Martin's help we got that all taken care of. I'm the only non iphone user in the family now. BFD

Weather stayed lovely---Here in Washington we have a vote coming on on whether to label GMO's or not---I am for labeling them and I see that the money against doing so is coming from the giant Monsanto who promotes the genetically modified seeds and, of all things, the big oil companies. Enough said...I follow the money when I vote. I want my foods labeled.

Saw the movie Enough said---it was James Gandofini's last film before he died . It was quite good...just a light adult romance. This week holds lots of errand running for me----and now the warm water pool workouts which I'm happy are back into my schedule! Thanks for the lovely comments , stars etc on the past couple mt. shots---I was so happy to be taking them!

Have a great workweek to those who still are grinding it out:) Blip on!

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