Seeing Rainbows

We had a great day hiking on Saturday. I have to admit that some of the trip didn't quite work out how we hoped but having this view made it all worth it.

It was difficult to post the right pic for Saturday but the rainbow had to be it. I do wish it was a bit more clear but I nearly missed it all together.

On Saturday we hiked 3.5 miles down a dirt road and along a creek in search for a water hole to swim in. We passed some boy scout campgrounds (they're all in school, so they were vacant) and continued along the creek. Eventually we found the water hole only to realize that 1. the water was so intensely cold that we couldn't swim and 2. it was private property and we were soon asked to leave. So, we spent the next 1.5 hours hiking straight back up to our campground. There were a few times I didn't think I'd make it back to the top (ha), but we all did, and we had ice cold Sam Adams Summer Ale waiting for us. :)

That evening it started to drizzle a tiny, tiny bit and a rainbow appeared during sunset. It was at that time we all stood and watched the beauty surrounding us. California really is a special place.

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