Tired girls

After a very busy day yesterday, tiredness attacked us both today. Charlotte was awake at 5:45, she wanted to go back to sleep but at the same time wanted to play, we ended up putting the iPad on with Charlie and Lola and taking it in turns to doze. Lazy start to the day with breakfast then back to bed for Charlotte, daddy then got up after we had had a lovely snooze in bed, I continued to doze for a while. Daddy and Charlotte headed to see nanny and grandad, I stayed here to tidy / sort / do school work. I managed quite a lot, but by 2:00 went back to bed, to be woken by the most gentle of kisses from Charlotte. We then had a lovely time playing in the garden. Daddy fitted her door knocker, upsy daisy enjoyed going down the slide, Hermione hissed at Charlotte and daddy and Charlotte spied on the neighbours.

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