Feed the birds, tuppence a bag

Feed the birds ducks tuppence a bag,£1.09! Today was one of the good days. Charlotte had a grotty ish night, lots of coughing etc but daddy did breakfast which meant I could snooze for an hour. Daddy then went shooting, Charlotte slept and I slowly got up. Rachel and the girls came to play and Charlotte is now the proud owner of a Happy Land vets and post office. Such fun was had by the three girls playing. Lunch followed, for the first time in days Charlotte ate well. After a brief play she lay on the floor and put her thumb in her mouth. When I asked if she was tired she said 'bed' so to bed she went! We headed to the park after her afternoon snooze, had great fun feeding the ducks and then played in the park. Auntie Katie, uncle John and Lucy came round after tea and more fun and toy playing was had. Daddy has popped the pub to celebrate uncle johns up and coming birthday, I'm cooking tea playing on the iPad!

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