Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Sitting still for far too long.

Our Biology Building is was supposed to be LEEDS certified. As such, the lights come on/go off as you enter/leave particular rooms. If you sit still long enough in your office the lights will dim, and then go off. At this point I usually check my pulse, leading to the lights coming back on...

Yesterday, as I read some rivetting botanical prose, the lights dimmed and my backlit keyboard was put into play. The wispy screen saver on the screen attracted my attention and it got me to thinking about a blip for the day. It was grey, gloomy, rainy, all round crappy outside.

SO here it is. I'm sure not entirely original if I search the blip archives, but could become the basis for future blips, particularly those associated with milestones.

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