Dribs and Drabs of 2014

By RodgerEvans01

Well, hello there!!!!

To say I didn't about $hit myself would be a lie...

I was bbqing some sausages for "T" and myself when I noticed a funnel spider web in the folds of the bbq cover on the deck railing. I opened the cover up a little to see if I could see the spider. They're throughout the garden, but very skittish.

I did see the funnel spider as it scurried further into the cover, but on the edge was this behemoth (as large as the tip of my thumb). Of course, I ran for my camera and flash, on the way telling "T" not to go onto the deck. Read an earlier blip for the reason why.

Seems it's a standard Garden spider (Araneus diadematus) according to the interweb, but common names seem to be a catch all and not usually very informative.

All I know is that there are lots of garden spiders around right now, but all of them would only make a nice snack for this one...

PS: For the braver amongst us, definitely worth a click of the ol' magnifying glass!!

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