
By BethAndCo

An unsettled night

Didn't have a very good night at all again. What is it with Monday nights? Had a similar situation last Monday night. Eva had been in bed asleep by 8.30 and slept til 2 am, but then woke every 2 hours until 8 am when I finally got us both up, I was shattered, each time she woke, I fed her, which possibly wasn't the right thing to do, but she went back to sleep each time, and I am so conscious of her waking Mike up which has to be up for work at 6am.

Had a good chat online with Leah today re her waking up, and I am working towards her moving to her own room around the weekend, which I do not want to do at all, but it's probably time :-( just typing this has brought tears to my eyes and a lump in my throat. I want her to stay in our room forever and ever :-(

I've ordered an infrared camera today so I can watch her and check she's ok in her new bedroom, and a My Pal Scout which you can programme with your voice and get it to say her name and set how long it plays lullabies for at bedtime. I've also been looking at doors, as she needs a new door that doesn't click when you close it, and needs a curtain pole for her new curtains, then she can go in there. I may just have to delay on a few things and draw it out a bit longer. Damn that new door is taking ages to come, oops I forgot to order it you say?

Re. Eva's eating today, she did a little better, but not much. Brek was spoon fed oat and apple followed by toast and plum (she loves plums), lunch was just half a sucked rice cake, dinner was her mashed up roast chicken dinner which Jake helped to feed her with, and she did ok actually, followed by carrot batons and kiwi, again the kiwi nearly all went and the carrot had a few little nibbles taken from it.

Her daddy gave her her bath with her usual Simply Red in Cuba being played, while I cleared up from dinner. Then I had a VCC Skype meeting, so Mike took her upstairs to try and keep her occupied until I could go to her for her feed and to settle her down.

She was fast asleep tucked up in her Little Bird grobag with snuggle bear and friends by 9 pm tonight. Sleep well my darling baby girl xxxxxxx

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